Barbell Club
Service Description
Have you always wanted to lift heavy shit but just never really knew where to start? Too intimidated for big box gyms or to contact a coach? Here is your chance. I'll walk you through how to perform 4 of the most functional movements in life. You will learn to safely bench press, deadlift, squat and overhead press. You'll not only gain strength and muscles but you will most definitely gain self confidence in order to perform these on your own.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Booking Policy: It is mandatory to book your class in advance to participate. Reservations must be made online via the website or app. A CLASS MAY BE CANCELED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE COACH IF THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF 5 PEOPLE IS NOT REACHED Cancellation: If you cannot attend a class, you must cancel your reservation at least 12 hours in advance online. Otherwise, you will automatically lose that class and be marked as a no show. Refund: No refund will be made for late cancellations. Late cancellation procedure: Late cancellations are not accepted over the phone, messenger or text. If you need to cancel your course outside the 12 hour deadline, you must send a message to the coaches through the app indicating your name, telephone number and the reason for the late cancellation. Major reasons: Only major reasons will justify class cancellation without charge. Otherwise, cancellation fees will be applied according to the terms mentioned above. We thank you for respecting these rules in order to guarantee efficient course management and to ensure an optimal experience for all our members.